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更新时间:2024-04-27 21:02:39

【1】My mother didn't allow me to watch TV last night.

【2】What is this table made of?

【3】Why do you take these posters?

【4】When was the light bulb invented?

【5】Mobile phones are now designed not only to talk, but also to play games.


【1】考查情景交际。妈妈:mother;允许某人做某事:allow sb. to do sth.;看电视:watch TV;昨晚:last night。根据last night可知,本题用一般过去时。否定句要用助动词didn’t来完成。

所以你妈妈昨晚不允许你看电视,你可以这样跟你朋友说:My mother didn't allow me to watch TV last night. 故答案为:My mother didn't allow me to watch TV last night.

【2】考查情景交际。桌子:table;由……制成:be made of;因此当你在朋友家看到一张奇怪的桌子,你很好奇它的原料,你可以这样问朋友:What is this table made of? 故答案为:What is this table made of?

【3】考查情景交际。海报:poster;为什么:why;拿:take;所以你看到好几个同学都拿着一张海报(poster),你不知道他们拿海报干嘛,你可以这么问:Why do you take these posters?故答案为:Why do you take these posters?

【4】考查情景交际。灯泡:light bulb;何时:when;发明:invent;灯泡和发明之间存在着被动关系,而且是过去发明的,因此用一般过去时的被动句。其结构是:was/were+动词的过去分词。所以你忘记了灯泡何时发明的,你可以这样问朋友:When was the light bulb invented? 故答案为:When was the light bulb invented?

【5】考查情景交际。手机:mobile phones;设计:design;不仅……而且……:not only…but also…;玩游戏:play games;通话:talk。手机和设计之间存在着被动关系,因此用被动句;结合语境可知,本题的时态为一般现在时,所以用一般现在时的被动句来回答。其结构是:is/are+动词的过去分词。主语Mobile phones是复数,因此be动词用are。所以现在手机被设计出来不仅为了通话,而且也可以玩游戏。你可以这样跟你奶奶介绍:Mobile phones are now designed not only to talk, but also to play games. 故答案为:Mobile phones are now designed not only to talk, but also to play games.

题型:其他 题类: 难度:较难 组卷次数:0
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