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  Why keep them?

People keep dogs and cats because they enjoy their friendship. Fish cannot be friendly, but they have beautiful shapes and colours. They are a pleasure to watch as they swim in their tanks (水槽).

What do they need?

First of all, the fish need a suitable (合适的) tank, and you must fill the tank with suitable water. It is also good for them to have a few water plants in the tank to keep the water pure (纯净).A few snails (蜗牛) in the tank are a good idea, too. They will keep it clean.

What about feeding them?

There are many kinds of fish food that you can get in pet shops. Most are suitable for all kinds of fish. You should feed your fish once a day only. It is important not to give them too much food. Just give them as much as they can eat in about 15 minutes. This will keep them healthy.

【1】It is not good to put ________ in the fish tank.

A.a few snails B.a few water plants

C.only a little water D.enough clean water

【2】Why do people enjoy keeping fish?

A.Because fish can play with people.

B.Because fish are very friendly.

C.Because fish can clean the tanks.

D.Because people love to watch them swimming in the tanks.

【3】How often can you feed the fish?

A.Once a week. B.Once a day.

C.Every fifteen minutes. D.As many times as possible.

【4】If you feed too much food to the fish, it will make the fish ________.

A.thirsty B.fat

C.unhealthy D.dirty

【5】Which of the following sentences is NOT TRUE?

A.Some people love to keep fish of beautiful shapes and colours.

B.A suitable tank with suitable water is important for fish keeping.

C.All the fish food sold in pet shops is suitable for any kind of fish.

D.If it takes the fish 30 minutes to eat up the fish food, the food is too much.

更新时间:2024-04-26 07:29:26








【1】细节理解。根据文中“First of all, the fish need a suitable (合适的)tank, and you must fill the tank with suitable water.”可知,在浴缸里放一点水是不好的。故选C。

【2】细节理解。根据文中“They are a pleasure to watch as they swim in their tanks (水槽).”可知,人们喜欢养鱼是因为人们喜欢看他们在水箱里游泳。故选D。

【3】细节理解。根据文中“You should feed your fish once a day only.”可知,你可以一天喂一次鱼。故选B。

【4】推理判断。根据文中“It is important not to give them too much food. Just give them as much as they can eat in about 15 minutes. This will keep them healthy.”可知,重要的是不要给他们太多的食物。只要给他们15分钟内能吃多少就行了。这会让他们保持健康。喂太多的食物会使食物不健康。故选C。

【5】推理判断。根据文中“There are many kinds of fish food that you can get in pet shops. Most are suitable for all kinds of fish.”宠物店里有很多种鱼食。大多数都适合各种鱼类。选项C是错误的,不是适合所有种类的鱼;根据文中“but they have beautiful shapes and colours. They are a pleasure to watch as they swim in their tanks (水槽)”可知选项A. Some people love to keep fish of beautiful shapes and colours.正确;根据文中“First of all, the fish need a suitable (合适的) tank, ”可知选项B正确“A suitable tank with suitable water is important for fish keeping.”适当的水箱和适当的水对养鱼很重要正确;根据文中“It is important not to give them too much food. Just give them as much as they can eat in about 15 minutes.”重要的是不要给他们太多的食物。只要给他们15分钟内能吃多少就行了。可知选项D “If it takes the fish 30 minutes to eat up the fish food, the food is too much.”是正确的。故选C。

我们在做阅读理解题时,就要明确初中阅读理解考查的主要内容,在此基础上,快速阅读全文,了解文章大意;在了解文章的基础上,抓住首尾句;认真仔细、逐步答题;平心静气,不急躁,仔细检查,减少误差。严格说来,阅读理解主要要求是:1.掌握阅读主旨大意,用以说明主旨大意的事实和细节;2.既理解具体事实,也理解抽象的概念;3.既理解字面意思,也理解深层含义,包括作者的态度以及意图等。第2小题,细节理解。根据文中“They are a pleasure to watch as they swim in their tanks (水槽).”可知,人们喜欢养鱼是因为人们喜欢看他们在水箱里游泳。故选D。

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