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Mr and Mrs Green are from______. They are working in Shanghai now. Mr Green is a teacher in a school. He is a French teacher. He likes reading and______. His daughter, Kate, is a______. She likes playing the piano______. She likes school, too. She does her______every day. She______watches cartoons before dinner. Mrs Green is a teacher, too. She can______a little(一点)Chinese. She likes Chinese______. She doesn't like doing housework at all, but she likes cooking. They all like China a lot. They think the Chinese are______friendly(友好的).

更新时间:2024-04-27 23:58:45

France;running;tudent;very much;homework;ofte;eak;food;very


【听力原文】 Mr and Mrs Green are from France. They are working in Shanghai now. Mr Green is a teacher in a school. He is a French teacher. He likes reading and running. His daughter, Kate, is a student. She likes playing the piano very much. She likes school, too. She does her homework every day. She often watches cartoons before dinner. Mrs Green is a teacher, too. She can speak a little(一点)Chinese. She likes Chinese food. She doesn't like doing housework at all, but she likes cooking. They all like China a lot. They think the Chinese are very friendly(友好的).


(1)根据Mr and Mrs Green are from France. ,应填: France"法国"。所以答案是: France.

(2)根据He likes reading and running.,应填: running"跑步"。所以答案是: running.

(3)根据His daughter, Kate, is a student. ,应填: student"学生"。所以答案是: student..

(4)根据She likes playing the piano very much. ,应填: very much"非常"。所以答案是:very much.

(5)根据She does her homework every day. ,应填: homework"作业"。所以答案是:homework.

(6)根据She often watches cartoons before dinner. ,应填: often"常常"。所以答案是:often.

(7)根据She can speak a little(一点)Chinese. ,应填: speak"讲"。所以答案是:speak.

(8)根据She likes Chinese food. ,应填: food"食物"。所以答案是:food.

(9)根据They think the Chinese are very friendly(友好的).,应填:very"非常;很"。所以答案是:very.

题型:听力题 题类: 难度:困难 组卷次数:0
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