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  A shopkeeper found a dog in his shop. It had a ______ in its mouth that read, "Can I have two kilos of meat, please?" In the dog's mouth there was also a ten-dollar bill. The shopkeeper felt very _____ , so he took the money, put the meat in a bag, put the bag in the dog's mouth, and then ______ it.

The dog walked down the street. ______ it came to a crossing , it waited for the lights to turn  ______, and then walked across the road.

Soon the dog got to a ______.  It looked at the timetable, and then it sat on a seat to ______the bus.

When a bus came, the dog walked to the front of the bus, looked at the _______ of the bus, and went back to its seat.Another bus came. The dog went and looked at the number again, and then ______.

The bus traveled out of the town. ______ the dog stood up to push the button to stop the bus.

The shopkeeper walked after the dog to a house. It ______ the bag and hit itself against the door again and again! A man opened the door and shouted at the dog _______, "What are you doing?" the shopkeeper ______ the man. "This dog is a genius!"The man answered, "Clever?  ______! This is the second time this week it's forgotten its _______!"

【1】A.book B.photo C.map D.note

【2】A.surprised B.worried C.sad D.shy

【3】A.beat B.saved C.followed D.killed

【4】A.When B.Before C.If D.Though

【5】A.red B.green C.yellow D.black

【6】A.park B.bus stop C.cinema D.book shop

【7】A.wait for B.look after C.clean up D.try on

【8】A.size B.color C.driver D.number

【9】A.got back B.got gown C.got on D.got off

【10】A.In the future B.After a while C.Just now D.So far

【11】A.sold B.washed C.dropped D.mended

【12】A.happily B.angrily C.quietly D.politely

【13】A.stopped B.thanked C.telephoned D.helped

【14】A.Yes B.Sure C.No D.Ok

【15】A.money B.bag C.home D.key

更新时间:2024-04-24 01:47:29



















A. book书,B. photo照片,C. map地图,D. note笔记。根据“that read, "Can I have two kilos of meat, please?"”可知,此处表示上面写着字,应是便条,故选D。


A. surprised感到惊讶的,B. worried担心的,C. sad悲伤的,D. shy害羞的。根据前文的语境可知,店主看见狗叼着钱来买肉,因此他感到惊讶,故选A。


A. beat打败,B. saved挽救,C. followed跟着,D. killed杀死。根据后文的“The shopkeeper walked after the dog to a house.”可知,这位店主跟着这只狗,故选C。


A. When当……时候,B. Before   在…..之前,C. If如果,D. Though尽管。根据“it waited for the lights to turn  ___5___, and then walked across the road.”可知,它在等交通灯变成绿色了,因此表示它正在十字路口,故选A。


A. red红色,B. green绿色,C. yellow黄色,D. black黑色。根据“and then walked across the road.”可知,它可以穿过马路,应是交通灯变成绿色了,故选B。


A. park公园,B. bus stop公交车站,C. cinema电影院,D. book shop书店。根据后文的“and then it sat on a seat to ___7___the bus.”可知,这只狗上了公交车,因此表示它在公交车站,故选B。


A. wait for等待,B. look after照顾,C. clean up打扫,D. try on试穿。根据后文的“When a bus came, the dog walked to the front of the bus,”可知,它在等公交车,故选A。


A. size尺寸,B. color颜色,C. driver司机,D. number数字。根据后文的“The dog went and looked at the number again,”可知,这只狗看了看公共汽车的号码。故选D。


A. got back回来,B. got gown下来,C. got on.登上,D. got off下车。根据后文的“the dog stood up to push the button to stop the bus”可知,此处表示这只狗上了公共汽车,故选C。


A. In the future将来,B. After a while   一会儿,C. Just now刚才,D. So far迄今为止。根据前后语境,公共汽车行驶了一会儿后,这只狗要下车,故选B。


A. sold出售,B. washed洗,C. dropped下降,D. mended修改。根据“The shopkeeper walked after the dog to a house.”可知,这只狗到了一座房子,因此它把那个袋子放在地上。故选C。


A. happily高兴地,B. angrily生气地,C. quietly安静地,D. politely礼貌地。根据前文的“It ___11___ the bag and hit itself against the door again and again!”和“This is the second time this week it's forgotten its ___15___!”可知,这只狗一次又一次地撞在门上,它又忘了带钥匙,因此它的主人生气了,故选B。


A. stopped停止,B. thanked   感谢,C. telephoned打电话,D. helped帮助。根据后文的“"This dog is a genius!"”可知,他认为这只狗很聪明,因此他拦住了这个男人,不让他对它大喊,故选A。


A. Yes是的,B. Sure当然,C. No不,D. Ok好的。根据后文的“This is the second time this week it's forgotten its ___15___!”可知,他认为这只狗这周第二次忘了带钥匙,因此不认为它是聪明的,故选C。


A. money   金钱,B. bag书包,C. home家,D. key钥匙。根据前文的“It ___11___ the bag and hit itself against the door again and again!”可知,它一次又一次地撞门,因此表示它忘了带钥匙,故选D。

这篇短文讲述了一只狗帮助主人买肉并且坐公家车回家的故事。文章主题明确,结构清晰,内容贴近学生们的日常生活,比较容易理解。题型是完形填空,考查学生们在具体语境中运用语言的能力,综合性较强。做题时,应先通读短文,了解文意;然后根据上下文语境做题,注意空前后的搭配,并仔细辨析选项中单词的意思和用法;最后将答案代入原文,再读一遍,检查答案是否正确。例如第7小题,考查动词短语辨析及语境。wait for等待,look after照顾,clean up打扫,try on试穿。根据后文的语境可知,公交车来了,这只狗就走向前去看看,因此判断它在等公交车来。故选A。

题型:完型填空 题类: 难度:较难 组卷次数:0
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