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A: Hi, Michael! There is something wrong with your leg. 【1】?

B: I rode my bike very fast on my way home. I fell down and hurt my leg.

A: I'm sorry to hear that.【2】?

B: No, I didn't see a doctor. I think I will be better tomorrow.【3】?

A: It's April 15th today. What's up?

B: Susan's birthday is coming.

A: Really?【4】?

B: It's on April 19th.


B: She plans to have a party to celebrate it.

A: Would you like to come?

B: Yes, I’d love to. I can sing English songs.

A: It's good.

更新时间:2024-04-26 02:50:02

【1】What’s the matter?/What’s up?/What’s wrong?

【2】Did you see a doctor?

【3】What’s the date today?

【4】When is her birthday?

【5】How does she plan to celebrate it?




根据前句There is something wrong with your leg. 你的腿有些问题。可知,这里问的是“怎么了”,英语可以表达为What’s the matter?或者What’s up?或者What’s wrong?故答案为What’s the matter?/What’s up?/What’s wrong?


根据后句的回答No, I didn’t see a doctor. 不,我没去看医生。可知这里问的应该是“是否有去看医生”,而回答中用到了No和didn’t,所以问句应该是一般疑问句且要用过去时,故答案为Did you see a doctor?


根据后面的回答It’s April 15th today. 今天是四月十五日。可知上句问的应该是今天的日期是多少,英语中提问日期的句型是What’s the date?故答案为What’s the date today?


根据句意理解及后句It’s on April 19th.可知,这里说的应该是提问一个问题,且与日期有关,再由后文She plans to have a party to celebrate it.可知,这里应该问的是“她的生日是什么时候”,故答案为When is her birthday?


根据后句回答She plans to have a party to celebrate it. 她计划开个派对庆祝。可知这里表达的是该如何庆祝生日,英语中提问“如何……”用how,故答案为How does she plan to celebrate it?

题型:补全对话 题类: 难度:困难 组卷次数:0
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