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When people think of healthy food for eyes , they think of carrots. Yes, carrots are good for eyes. But there is much other healthy food for eyes. If you want to have healthy eyes, eat it.


Kale is a kind of dark green vegetable. It looks like a cabbage. If you often eat kale, you will still have healthy eyes when you are old. And the vitamin A in it can help you see well in the dark.


Chicken is great food for eyes. And you can cook it in many ways. You can make chicken soup, fried chicken, chicken noodles and chicken salad. All of them are delicious.


Salmon is a kind of fish. It has a lot of Omega-3s. If you often feel that you have dry eyes, Omega-3s in salmon can help you. You don’t need to eat a lot each time. A little will be OK.

【1】What is the passage talking about?

A.Carrots and eyes. B.Delicious food.

C.How to cook chicken. D.Healthy food for eyes.

【2】Kale is a kind of ________.

A.cabbage B.fruit C.vegetable D.meat

【3】What does the underlined word“them”refer to(指代)?

A.food and soup with chicken B.chicken soup

C.chicken noodles D.fried chicken

【4】Mark has dry eyes. He can eat some________.

A.carrots B.kale C.chicken D.salmon

【5】What can we learn from the passage?

A.We will have bad eyes when we are old. B.Vitamin A helps us see well in the dark.

C.There is a lot of Omega-3s in chicken. D.We must eat a lot of salmon each time.

更新时间:2024-04-20 13:26:23









【2】细节理解题。根据文中“Kale is a kind of dark green vegetable”可知它是一种蔬菜,故选C。

【3】词义猜测题。上文“You can make chicken soup, fried chicken, chicken noodles and chicken salad”推断下文指所有这些鸡肉做的食物都很好吃,故选A。

【4】推理判断题。根据文中“If you often feel that you have dry eyes, Omega-3s in salmon can help you”可知三文鱼中的欧米茄-3有益于眼睛干涩


【5】推理判断题。根据文中“If you often eat kale, you will still have healthy eyes when you are old. And the vitamin A in it can help you see well in the dark”可知经常吃甘蓝老了眼睛也一样健康,里面的维生素A可以帮助你在黑暗中看得很清楚,所以A表述错误、B表述正确;“Salmon is a kind of fish. It has a lot of Omega-3s.You don’t need to eat a lot each time. A little will be OK”可知是大马哈鱼富含欧米茄-3,不是鸡肉;我们一次只要吃一点就行,所以C、D表述错误;故选B。

题型:阅读理解 题类: 难度:容易 组卷次数:0
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