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读短文, 判读正(T)误(F)。

Hello! My name is Lingling. I'm in Beijing. It's sunny and hot today. I can wear my T-shirt and shorts. The T-shirt is green. The shorts are white. I have a new skirt. It's yellow. But it's too small. I want to buy a new dress.

【1】It's hot and cloudy in Beijing. (______)

【2】I can wear my T-shirt and shorts. (______)

【3】The shorts are blue. (______)

【4】The skirt is yellow. (______)

【5】I want to buy a new shirt. (______)

更新时间:2024-04-17 06:49:26







【1】由短文中“It's sunny and hot today. ”可知, 北京的天气晴朗炎热。

【2】由短文中” I can wear my T-shirt and shorts” 可知是对的

【3】由短文中“The shorts are white. ”可知, 短裤是白色的。

【4】.由短文中“I have a new skirt. It's yellow. ”可知, 女裙是黄色的。

【5】由短文最后一句话可知, 玲玲想买一件新连衣裙。

题型:阅读理解 题类: 难度:一般 组卷次数:0
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