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I'm Mary. I'm keeping my diary. Today is April 5th. It's my birthday. It's windy and warm. I get up at 6:20. After breakfast, I visit my grandparents. And then I climb mountains with my friends. In the afternoon, I watch TV and go shopping with my parents. My father and I like summer best, because we can swim. My mother likes spring best, because she likes to climb mountains. We are happy today.

【1】When is Mary's birthday?


【2】What's the weather like today?


【3】What's Mary's favourite season?


【4】What does Mary do in the afternoon?


【5】Why does Mary's mother like spring?


更新时间:2024-04-19 15:21:10

【1】It's on April 5th.

【2】It's windy and warm.


【4】She watches TV and goes shopping with her parents.

【5】Because she likes to climb mountains.


题型:阅读理解 题类: 难度:一般 组卷次数:0
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