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Last Sunday, Liming went to the zoo with his parents. He saw some animals. The panda played with it's babies. The monkeys jumped and jumped. Liming threw a banana to the monkeys. Suddenly the monkeys jumped to Liming ,they were angry! Liming was afraid, he cried. Then Liming's father pointed to the warning board . It says : Don't throw any food to the monkeys!

(1)Where did Liming go last Sunday?


(2)What did Liming throw to the monkeys?


(3)What did the monkeys do when Liming throw a bananas to them?


(4)What does the warning board say?


(5)Did Liming feel happy?


更新时间:2024-04-23 23:22:02

(1)He went to the zoo.

(2)He threw a banana.

(3)They jumped to Liming.

(4)Don't throw any food to the monkeys!

(5)No, he didn't.



(1)这是细节理解, 题目问: 李明上周日去哪里了? 根据短文叙述 Last Sunday, Liming went to the zoo with his parents.(上周日,李明和父母去动物园了。)可知去动物园了。所以答案是: He went to the zoo.

(2)这是细节理解, 题目问: 李明向猴子扔了什么? 根据短文叙述Liming threw a banana to the monkeys.(李明向猴子扔了一个香蕉。)可知是扔了香蕉。所以答案是: He threw a banana.

(3)这是细节理解, 题目问:当李明对猴子扔香蕉时,它们做了什么? 根据短文叙述Suddenly the monkeys jumped to Liming ,they were angry! (突然猴子们跳向李明,它们生气了。)可知是跳向李明。所以答案是: They jumped to Liming.

(4)这是细节理解, 题目问: 警示牌子上写着什么? 根据短文叙述It says : Don't throw any food to the monkeys!(上面说: 别向猴子们扔任何食物。)可知答案为: Don't throw any food to the monkeys!

(5)这是细节理解, 题目问: 李明感到高兴吗? 根据短文叙述 Liming was afraid, he cried. (李明害怕了,他哭了。)可知不快乐,用否定回答。所以答案是: No, he didn't.

题型:阅读理解 题类: 难度:较易 组卷次数:0
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